1. Overview
    Light On The Hill provides you with a choice of employing either one or two mediators. Single mediator: In most circumstances a single mediator usually conducts the mediation. Co-mediation: Provides the benefit of having two mediators to assist parties in settling a dispute. This is useful where issues are extremely complex.
  2. Fees and Charges
    Fees: For General Mediations: Pre-mediation : $150.00 per person Mediation: Single Mediator $200.00 per hour - shared Co Mediation $350.00 per hour - shared Fees include general correspondence and if reached and requested, a typed agreement.
Light On The Hill
  1. Refund Policy
    A refund will be made where notification of cancellation is 5 or more working days from each scheduled mediation appointment, less a $50.00 administrative fee per appointment cancelled. Cancellation within 5 working days of a scheduled appointment and non attendance of an appointment is non refundable.
  2. Fees and Charges ...
    For Family Dispute Resolution: (Under the Family Law Act) Pre-mediation: $150.00 per person For Mediation: $300.00 per hour - shared This includes a typed Parenting Plan/Agreement where an agreement is reached and the issuing of a 60I Certificate if appropriate and when requested.