Light On The Hill
About Mediation
  1. The Mediation Process
    Information about the dispute is gathered by the mediator prior to mediation by meeting with each party separately. If mediation is appropriate, a mediation is scheduled as agreed between the parties. At mediation each party provides the mediator with a summary of their concerns. After the summaries have been heard, issues are identified and discussed in a safe setting.
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    An individual session is then offered to each party. After the individual session, future focused negotiation begins. After negotiations have taken place, understandings are developed and where possible, agreements are reached, either verbally or in writing.
  3. Who We Can Help
    People who are ready, willing and able to participate in mediation. People who prefer to resolve issues in a supported environment. People who are prepared to make positive contributions to the mediation process. People who are prepared to adhere to any agreement reached.
  4. Family Law Mediations
    For mediations involving Family Dispute Resolution, the mediation will be conducted as required under the Family Law Act. The Mediators role is to ensure the child’s best interest is at the forefront of the mediation. The Mediator will assist Parents to develop a suitable Parenting Plan. Light On The Hill can also assist in property settlement.